There are numerous ways to be an advocate. Simply sharing ACMG’s social media advocacy posts can make a big impact on raising awareness. You can follow ACMG’s advocacy efforts through our Advocacy Alert emails, monthly ACMG in Action E-newsletter, the ACMG Medical Geneticist newsmagazine, social media, and our website. You can further support these efforts by contacting your legislators, attending local meetings, and networking with your organization’s government relations professionals. For laboratory geneticists, consider hosting a laboratory visit for your state or federal legislators. This is a great way build relationships with your legislators and help them better understand genetic testing. For physicians and genetic counselors who see patients, do your patients know that ACMG is advocating for them? By helping ACMG advocate, you are also advocating for your patients. Lastly, remember to notify ACMG if you become aware of an emerging issue or concern.